Latest Episodes
Sonoran Desert Weedwackers Remove Invasive Grasses
Buffelgrass is an invasive flammable grass. This tough guy has been called possibly the biggest threat to our Eco System. It has taken hold...
Having Backyard Chickens in Tucson! You can too!
This week, I interviewed Elizabeth and her 9 year old daughter Lucia about the basics of having Backyard Chickens in Ye Ol’ Tucson. Find...
Danish Ambassador on Denmark’s Green Agenda
In January and February 2013 a confluence of all things Danish came together in the Sonoran desert of Arizona. Two national Danish sports teams...
Border Patrol Nation Dispatches from the Front Lines of Homeland Security by Todd Miller
Todd Miller discusses his upcoming new book Border Patrol Nation available in February from City Lights Books. For the past 15 years Todd Miller...
South Fork Trail
The South Fork Trail along the Little Colorado River in the White Mountains is gorgeous. Recorded and produced by Eb Eberlein. Join the Arizona...
Some basics about snowshoeing in Arizona. Recorded and produced by Eb Eberlein. Join the Arizona Trails Community at