Keeping Cool in Tucson-Part 2.

June 02, 2014
Keeping Cool in Tucson-Part 2.
KXCI Community Radio
Keeping Cool in Tucson-Part 2.

Jun 02 2014 |


Show Notes

This episode focuses on keeping cool at night with NO A/C!

Why would you even attempt this?!!!

This month the Smithsonian put out an article stating “the excess heat churned out by Air Conditioners raised the (outside) temperature by nearly 2 degrees, making the Air Conditioners themselves need to work that much harder.” And further, ” in some cases use of Air Conditioners account for as much as 65 percent of a region’s electricity use. Sixty-Five percent!

See article here: This Is How Much Hotter Nights in Phoenix Are Because of A/C
In this week’s segment, I talk with Michael Keith Green Builder and CEO of The Downtown Tucson Partnership about ways to stay cool without your A/C,  at night. This is not only energy efficient, but can save you big bucks.

Even though it’s 106 during the day, it does cool down nicely to the mid 70’s. It’s just getting over that hump until it cools off outside. That period is where these tips will come in handy.

Some of the easy ways to stay cool @ night:

Buy an oscillating fan.

Freeze water in a large bowl, include rock-salt (10%).

Put the frozen water between you and the oscillating fan.

Point the range of oscillating fan from your toes to the top of your head.

Open a window behind you, preferably the top of the window.  (this blows the warm air out).


Other tips:

Run ice on back of neck and wrists.

Put your mattress on the floor.

Pop your pillow in the freezer.

Don’t wear socks, or anything else for that matter.

Dunk those feet in cold water and/or take a cold bath to cool yourself down. (if you Greywater Harvest you get bonus points).

Sleep alone.

Always, always remember to drink PLENTY OF WATER!


Air dates for this program June 7, 8 & 9 of 2014



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