Celebrando la Mujer: Noche de Resistencia

April 23, 2017
Celebrando la Mujer: Noche de Resistencia
KXCI Community Radio
Celebrando la Mujer: Noche de Resistencia

Apr 23 2017 |


Show Notes

Dr. Ada Wilkinson-Lee and Maria Federcico-Brummer are part of the Dolores Huerta Celebración Planning Committee. They discussed “Celebrando la Mujer: Noche de Resistencia: 4th Annual Dolores Huerta Awardswhich took place on April 20th at YWCA Southern Arizona.

A highlight of the event is an award presentation to the 2017 Dolores Huerta Celebración awardees.

The Dolores Huerta Celebración Planning Committee is part of the Arizona César E. Chávez Holiday Coalition whose goal is to mobilize Arizona, and eventually the nation, to honor the life and legacy of César E. Chávez with a holiday every March 31st.

The Committee and Coalition honor the legacies of Cesar E. Chávez and Dolores Huerta, specifically around labor and social justice issues at the annual Cesar E. Chavez March and Dolores Huerta Celebración.

Recorded and produced by Amanda Shauger.

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