This week I talk with Hilary about using alternative body products.
Alternative body products are easier on the enviornment since there are less (or no) chemicals and packing can be reduced and reused.
Hilary has not “washed” her hair in 6 months. Nor does she use deodorant! To clean her teeth….she does “Oil Pulling” and uses an alternative toothpaste.
Hilary is quite lovely! (see photo if you don’t believe) What shiny hair! How does she do it? Listen here and learn. For more info, Hilary recommends checking out Wellnessmama
Here is the recipe for her hair: Shampoo- one part baking soda, three parts water + Conditioner- one part apple cider vinegar, three parts water.
–air dates for this program May 10, 11 & 12-2014
Hilary was also kind enough to share this excellent info. Here is her daily regimen:
The Weekly Green highlights some Green events going on around Tucson in March. Also, learn were to get more information on rebates and incentives...
This week’s Nonprofit Spotlight shines on Victor Valencia and T.C. Tolbert, co-founders of Building Out Safer Spaces (BOSS). BOSS creates a physical space where...