Here are a few of the Green Events going on around in Tucson And Southern Arizona in September
Nature Night: Desert Night Shift
Friday September 5th.
Join Pima County naturalists for an easy hike. Discover “who” is out and about in the desert at night. Learn why some animals and plants are nocturnal and how they manage life in the dark. This event will be held Friday Sept 5th from 7-9 p.m. No charge for this event.
more info @ 520-615-7855
or click here:
If you have ever wondered about using cloth diapers, come to the Cloth Diaper Information Session Saturday Sept. 13th.
There will be a variety of different cloth diapers available to check out. Local cloth diapering families will be there to answer questions and handouts for you to take home with information on cloth diapering.
This event will be held Saturday, September 13, 2014
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Himmel Park Branch Library
Or Here:
Plan Your Winter Potted Garden
Saturday Sept. 13th
Join potted garden expert Marylee Pangman and learn how to plan your floral combinations for lovely potted gardens in winter.
This happens on Sat., Sept. 13, 1-2:30 p.m. @ Tucson Botanical Gardens.
More info @ 520-326-9686
Thu, September 18,
+ Every month on the third Thursday
Tucson Audubon Society’s Happy Hour is a casual monthly get-together and a fun way for visitors and locals to get acquainted with Tucson’s birding community. Every third Thursday, you can join a gathering at Sky Bar on 4th Avenue to share bird pics and stories over pizza and drinks.
All birders and bird photographers are invited to join the fun – just stop by! This month’s event will be September18th5pm – 7pm
Sky Bar at 536 N. 4th Ave, Tucson
Or Click here:
Designing Colorful Hummingbird & Butterfly Gardens
Sat., Sept. 27,
Landscape Architect, Shelly Ann Abbott, will share expert advice on creating brilliant gardens using Sonoran and Chihuahuan Desert plants. Learn how to attract native pollinators, giving fabulous color and adding interest to outdoor spaces.
This event will be Sat., Sept. 27, 10-11:30 a.m.
More info:
or click here:
Air dates for this program August 30 & 31 + September 1 of 2014
There is a road across the grassland and I still go there for stories. I suspect that everyone needs a road or trail or...
Original air date: JUNE 15, 2017 About Dr. Khanna: Rajesh Khanna, PhD, has a 20-year career in Neuroscience and Pharmacology. He was a doctoral...
What are the three R’s? Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! The Weekly Green touches briefly in the Three Rs in this podcast. Tips on how...