The Weekly Green highlights: a photo exhibit about the culture and ecology of the Santa Rita Mountains; The Peace Fair; Xeriscaping; and how to become an Energy Efficient Expert!
Also, did you know that you may be able to get a rebate of up to $2000.oo on a water harvesting system for your home? Learn more in this week’s podcast.
Gretchen of The Weekly Green interviews Natasha Winnik of Originate Natural Building Materials. Natasha is the owner of a Originate, which has been around...
[caption id="attachment_62030" align="alignnone" width="620"] Randy Young Villegas with jaguar mask art[/caption] [caption id="attachment_62032" align="alignnone" width="620"] Third Eye by Randy Young Villegas[/caption] [caption id="attachment_62033" align="alignnone"...
Terrence Malick returns to his position as one of the greatest living film directors in this true story of an Austrian farmer who refuses...