What can I put in my Blue Barrel? Have you wondered? Have you been vexed when seeing things in other barrels that should not be in there?
This podcast gives a run-down on what you can put in your Blue Barrel.
Why Recycle?
By recycling, in the U.S., we are diverting about 32% from the landfill. With more awareness and availability of recycling programs, we can easily increase that number.
39 thousand tons per year are recycled in the City of Tucson.
Here are some reasons recycling is good:
-Recycling one aluminum can saves enough electricity to run a computer for 3 hours.
-Using recycled glass uses 40% less energy than making it from raw materials
-recycling paper uses 50 percent less water + generates 74 percent less air pollution.
-Approx 88 percent of energy is saved when plastic items are made from (recycled) materials.
It is very important to note that Recycling is the last of the three r’s. Reduce and reuse first. And, try to avoid plastics. They are not actually RE-cycled, but, down-cycled into a lesser product. And, plastic never really goes away, does it?
Air Dates: February 1, 2, 3 2014