AZ Queer Archives Pop Up on 4th Avenue

April 26, 2015
AZ Queer Archives Pop Up on 4th Avenue
KXCI Community Radio
AZ Queer Archives Pop Up on 4th Avenue

Apr 26 2015 |


Show Notes

AZ-Queer-Archives-PopUp 30 Minutes speaks with Archivist and Project Director of the Arizona Queer Archives (AQA) Jamie Lee. On Sunday, April 26th, Arizona Queer Archives and Feminist Action Research in Rhetoric (FARR) presented Pop-Up archives featuring the Southwest Feminists Reunite Group.

The Pop-Up archives seek to take the archival records of the 1970s feminists and lesbian feminists into the streets of Tucson to re-animate local histories in those unmarked places. Participants are invited to begin at Antigone Bookstore at 4pm to pick up a map and booklet to begin this archival adventure around the 4th Avenue area.

We finish up the second portion of the program with a rebroadcast of remarks made by award winning author Luis Alberto Urrea in a keynote address from the 2012 Tucson Festival of Books.

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